Meet the Team and Consultants
Dover, Kohl & Partners
Dover, Kohl & Partners Town Planning was founded in 1987. Their firm’s expertise lies in balancing the visionary ‘civic art’ of city planning with the practical consensus-building needed to make the built environment successful and to protect the natural environment. Working on revitalizing historic towns, retrofitting suburbia, and designing new towns, they focus on creating and restoring walkable, livable neighborhoods. Their experience includes a national and international portfolio of work. The common thread linking all their projects is a holistic approach to community building, with plans that emphasize complete neighborhoods as the basis for sound communities.
Dover, Kohl & Partners believe that design is the missing element in contemporary town planning, and their work centers on re-introducing form and design into easy-to-understand plans, visualizations, and development regulations that focus on the physical aspects of future growth and conservation. Their process has helped communities across the country to visualize change before it occurs and has been the subject of studies by the National Charrette Institute, the Form-Based Codes Institute and others.