Who to Call

Emergency Services

City Police, Fire, and Ambulance911
City Police (non-emergency)406.552.6300
Downtown BID Police Officer406.830.5218
City Fire Department (non-emergency)406.552.6210

Missoula City, Civic Services, and Miscellaneous

City of Missoula406.552.6000
Parking Commission406.552.6250
Mountain Line406.721.3333
Bicycle/Pedestrian Program406.552.6352
Health Department406.258.4770
Animal Control406.541.7387
Homeless Outreach Team406.493.7955
Poverello Center406.728.1809
United Way of Missoula County406.549.6104

Downtown Missoula Partnership

Office Email[email protected]

Not sure who to call regarding an issue Downtown? Use this infographic for more information.


Panhandling is a reality in our community. Whether it be panhandlers, the chronically homeless, or perpetual inebriates, it may be difficult to know how to handle various situations regarding these individuals. If you would like guidance, call the Downtown Missoula Partnership, Downtown Police Officers, or the Homeless Outreach Team and they would be happy to answer questions you have. If you need immediate assistance, please call 911.

For more information on navigating panhandling in our community, use this infographic for more information.